subset_netlet method for netify objects
subset_netlet takes in a netify object and allows for the extraction of smaller networks.
what_to_subset = NULL,
what_rows_to_subset = what_to_subset,
what_cols_to_subset = what_to_subset,
when_to_subset = NULL,
what_layers_to_subset = NULL
- netlet
object of class netify
- what_to_subset
enter the name of specific nodes to subset in character vector form or provide a numeric range, default is to show the first three rows and columns of interactions
- what_rows_to_subset
similar as what_to_subset but specific to rows, default value is set to what_to_subset. If you want to subset at all rows then set this to NULL.
- what_cols_to_subset
similar as what_to_subset but specific to columns, default value is set to what_to_subset. If you want to subset at all columns then set this to NULL.
- when_to_subset
choose time points to subset from, default is to show the first time point of data. If the entry is a numeric value or vector then it will be used as an index to the time dimension. If the entry is a character vector then it will be used to match the time dimension labels. If you want to subset at all time points then set this to NULL.
- what_layers_to_subset
if the netlet object has multiple layers, then you must choose one layer to subset at.
# load example directed event data from ICEWS
# generate a longitudional netify object
# with both dyadic and nodal attributes
icews_matlConf <- netify(
actor1='i', actor2='j', time='year',
symmetric=FALSE, weight='matlConf',
nodal_vars=c('i_polity2', 'i_log_gdp', 'i_log_pop'),
dyad_vars=c('matlCoop', 'verbCoop', 'verbConf'),
dyad_vars_symmetric=c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) )
# subset to a few countries
icews_matlConf_subset <- subset_netlet(
what_to_subset=c('United States', 'United Kingdom',
'Russian Federation', 'China') )
# subset to a few countries and a few years
icews_matlConf_subset <- subset_netlet(
what_to_subset=c('United States', 'United Kingdom',
'Russian Federation', 'China'),
when_to_subset=c('2010', '2011') )